Sam Greenway
Feb 7, 2022
The head of the team which carries out food hygiene inspections has said standards have dropped in the county [Worcester] recently.
Inspections of businesses in Worcester are looking at standards in the handling of food. Inspectors also look at cleanliness, facilities and pest control as well as evidence staff know about food safety. There has been a national trend of a drop in standards, which is now being seen here.
Mrs Cameron said: "During the pandemic the Food Standards Agency (FSA) stopped us making visits. We think (standards dipped) because we dropped a visit in our usual cycle. There is no excuse. A lot of it is about cleaning. Paperwork is important - for example it shows your suppliers, to make sure food is safe. It is so important - if you had a zero rating you won't get on the platforms - the Just Eats and Deliveroo - and lower scoring businesses appear further down (on their apps)."
The FSA has an exceedingly challenging job to monitor and audit all food outlets and factories, but in the end it is up to all businesses to be able to maintain and show their paperwork and traceability towards safety and cleaning. With FreshChecks app and web based hygiene monitoring systems, it is easier than ever to upload your current sample plans and obtain automated reports and trend analysis on the cleanliness of your restaurant.
Full link available at: https://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/19900148.standards-dropped-food-hygiene-chief-says/